interview job

The most common job interview questions you should know how to answer

The job interview is a determining factor to know if you will be hired or not. Although many times the process seems daunting, remember that it is an opportunity to show your strengths and personality. To reduce the fear of an interview, you should prepare yourself correctly. If you want to develop a powerful personal brand identity, here are some useful job interview tips!

5 job interview questions you must know

The aim of these questions is not only to inquire about your work experience, knowledge and academic background, but also to know your personality, how you will face challenges at work, how you relate to people and how you handle pressure situations, depending on the job. That’s why here we have some tips to answer these job interview questions:

1. Tell me a little about yourself

interview job people

The purpose of this question is to know what you have to offer, as an employee and as a person, to the company: how you work, in what areas you have experience and why you can be a valuable asset to an organization. 

You can also mention personal experiences that can complement your profile, such as the discipline in your habits if you go to the gym, your desire to learn by watching documentaries or how you enjoy reading a new book. Make sure you are honest in your answer.

2. Why did you quit your previous job?

It is a big mistake to complain about how badly you are/were treated in your former company. Instead, focus on the new goals you seek to achieve and on the challenges you expect from a new job. 

If you speak negatively about your former company, boss or colleagues, you’ll make a bad impression, even if you’re right. Talk about overcoming and growth, not dissatisfaction. It’s not bad to mention that you feel stuck or that you don’t think you have more opportunities in your current company, but always highlighting your desire to move forward.

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3. What are your biggest weaknesses?

With this question, the recruiter wants to know two aspects of you: your ability to assume your mistakes and your ability to correct them. He or she wants to know if you’ll be the kind of person who accepts criticism and strives to improve or who denies the mistake and resists changing habits.

Avoid cliché answers: “I am a perfectionist”,”I am very responsible”, “I get stressed out if something goes wrong.” They don’t help you and a lot of people answer that. We suggest you take a psychometric test that reveals your areas of opportunity or focus on a skill that is important for your career but not decisive for the position. 

For example, if you are a web programmer, you can say that your weakness is public speaking. In other words, it would be good for you to be more confident when you talk in public, but your job will be to program, not organize events. In this way, you’ll be honest, but you won’t risk the job.

4. Why should we hire you and not other candidates?

Put insecurity aside and sell yourself. This is the time to speak well of yourself, highlight your skills, qualities and experience. For example: “The experience I have gained in X area allows me to have the necessary skills to meet and exceed your job expectations.”

It will also help to talk about the company: “I know that the company seeks to position itself in the market, and I am interested in being part of the team that will meet that goal.” Show your passion and talk about how you will work to achieve the company’s key goals.

5. What are your salary expectations?


If it’s the first interview, you don’t want to sell yourself yet. Instead, you can answer: “I’m looking for a competitive salary, but that’s not all I’m interested in, I would like to know more about the functions and challenges of the position” or “I think I need more details about the position to know what the appropriate salary would be.”

However, there may be occasions when you can talk about all the details of the position and the company. Therefore, if you’re sure and you know how much you’re looking for, It’s also a good time to talk about it. On many occasions, it depends on how the interview flows.

Now you know some of the most common job interview questions and answers. Prepare yourself well so you can reduce job interview stress and feel more comfortable. We hope this information has been helpful for you!

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