As well as building brands that generate millions of dollars, it is important to develop a personal brand that will take you to the top of success, or that allows you to achieve the goals you’ve always dreamed of. Here are 5 rules for building a successful personal brand that personal branding experts recommend.
1. Analyze yourself
Knowing yourself and analyzing your personality is the first step to success. If you don’t know who you are, what you’re good at, what your life purpose is, you will find it very difficult to define the style of your brand.
You can ask yourself: What are you currently doing? What do you like to do? What do you have advanced or specialized knowledge of? What are your major attributes? How should you improve? Performing a SWOT analysis will go a long way in identifying weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities that would help you design a good strategy.
By finalizing and analyzing it, you will be closer to developing an action plan that allows you to differentiate yourself from the rest of your competitors. And not only that, it will also allow you to focus on what you can bring to your future audience because, at the end of the day, you must offer an added value.
2. Identify how you want to be known

Your personal brand is not just a reflection of who you are today. It’s also a route that directs every step you take. In addition to understanding your current skills and abilities, you should also identify the weaknesses you have and that could be related to the industry in which you decide to break through.
Recognizing your attributes and your faults will help you to enhance and improve them respectively. Besides, it will allow you to identify those values or characteristics for which you would like to be known.
Do you want to be known as an empathetic person? Or would you like to be recognized as a person of strong character who is not afraid of expressing their opinions freely? All this will impact your personal image and define the tone and style of your communication, expressions and way of acting. Everything is connected!
3. Define your audience
It’s not enough to analyze yourself and scrutinize your personality. Defining your audience is a very important pillar and you must not underestimate its power. Ask yourself who are you trying to capture, attract and retain?
Who would be the people most interested in consuming and supporting your brand? Who would see in you a value added useful and interesting enough to support your personal branding? The faster you identify your audience, the easier it is to shape your strategy. It will also facilitate the construction of your story (only then you’ll know the kind of narrative your audience wants to hear).
You can also read: What is personal branding and why is it important?
4. Research the industry you want to join

Researching the industry that has captured your interest or in which you have decided to undertake will do you a lot of good. Do market research ahead of time so you know what you’d be facing and how you can succeed in this new niche.
Another good idea is to follow the leaders or influential personalities of this industry so you know what they’re doing and saying, or what you’re innovating. You can’t pretend to stand out if you don’t know what others have to offer. Take advantage of digital channels, networks and spaces to follow your direct and indirect competitors more closely.
5. Make your “elevator pitch”
The “elevator pitch” is an anglicism that refers to a short, effective and concise speech about what you do and offer, in this case as a personal brand. This presentation speech has a clear purpose: to persuade your target in a short period of time, similar to a ride in an elevator (between 45 seconds and 2 minutes).
Conceptualizing your brand will not be an easy task, but it is essential that you do so before you start developing your networking. To scale with your brand you must know how to promote yourself in both face-to-face and digital events. This speech should encompass your attributes, make known that you have skills in certain niche markets or emphasize any other data that captures the attention of third parties.
It’s time to start working on your own personal brand. Those who set realistic goals, design a good strategy and work with dedication and consistency, have everything in their favor to become that version with which they have dreamed of so much. We hope this information has been useful to you!
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