If you have decided to start looking for a job in a formal way, remember that a good CV is your best cover letter. But what is a CV? And what are the main types? In the following article, GoFamed, a company that provides online reputation management services, shows you the basics of a CV.
What is a CV?
The curriculum vitae (CV) is your letter of introduction in the labor market. It is a Latin term which means “course of life”. The curriculum vitae or CV reflects your career in the world of work and education, that is to say, the set of educational, work and life experiences of a person.
It is commonly applied in job search, a fundamental requirement for a first screening. It helps companies know what training, experience and skills you have.
Parts of a CV

The main parts of a CV are the following ones:
1. Personal data
- Photo
- Names (first and last name)
- Address
- Telephone number
- Date of birth
If you want, you can add your LinkedIn profile.
2. Professional experience
- Companies in which you have worked
- Start and end date
- Position held
- Functions carried out (List the main functions you perform or develop on a daily basis.)
Experience with volunteering, project participation or research grants may also be included. Another option is to add this information in a different section called: projects, research, publications or volunteering.
3. Academic training
The main regulated formation is added. Name of the highest-level diploma awarded, school, year of commencement and completion. It is optional to put the average note or some special mention or prize.
4. Languages
List the languages you know by level: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2, as well as the degree you hold, the study center and the year of acquisition. If you have learned the skills with any international experience, indicate it as well.
5. Informatics
Indicate the programs you handle and operating systems you are used to working with by level: expert, user or basic.
6. Personal skills
Include a brief description of the main skills, social skills, hobbies and notable features.
You can also read: Learn how to make your online resume stand out
Main types of CVs

Now, let’s see the main types of CVs:
1. Chronological CV
It is the most widespread type of CV. As its name indicates, the chronological CV is structured showing all work experience in reverse chronological order. In other words, it shows the most recent experience, and then the rest of them.
It is a simple document that allows us to directly show our work history. This is important and gives points to those who have a consolidated track record, not only to those who have experience, but to those who have no gaps in their CVs (for example, periods of inactivity for any reason).
2. Functional CV
It’s the kind of CV that’s going to focus on your skills and strengths. In this CV, information is distributed by topics and is focused so that the recruiter can have at a glance an accurate impression of your training and the experience you have in a given area.
There is therefore no chronological progression. Thus, it will allow you to highlight your strengths, achievements that are interesting or add value to the job you choose, and avoid those who will contribute nothing to the interview.
3. Hybrid CV
A hybrid CV is a combination between a chronological and a functional CV. You can structure it starting, in the beginning, with a list of your main skills and qualifications. Then, you detail the chronological history of experiences.
Keep in mind that detailed does not imply exhaustive, and that this paragraph should not be the protagonist of the document, but a mere appropriate reference to the position to which we are applying.
4. Non-traditional CV
Depending on the sector, the job in particular and, above all, if you opt for a creative position, it may be a good idea to innovate on the CV by taking a less orthodox or traditional path. For example, a video CV can be differentiating, but so can be organizing your experience as an infographic, using social media to make it or, why not, organizing a playlist on Spotify.
Now you know the definition of a CV and its different types. Remember that a CV will not determine who is the star candidate to be hired, but it is the first test to be passed in the rest of the selection process. For this reason, a good presentation that allows you to access the rest of the selection process is key. We hope this information has been useful to you!
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