career advice

How career advice can help your career development?

Every professional achieves the highest level of skills needed to develop their profession at the end of their studies? There will be people who are capable, but others who are not, and they may need professional support. Here is what you should consider and where to find career advice. Take a look at these tips proposed by personal branding consultants!

When should I seek career advice?

Does everyone know the right way to face new professional challenges? Having tackled big challenges in the past means you’ll always be able to do it in the future? The answer to all these questions is that there will be people who are capable, but others who are not, and they may need professional support to achieve it at some point in their career. 

It is important to realize that it is normal to need punctual support to keep evolving and it is important to know who we can find them in.

What is an employment advisor and what is career advice?

employment advisor

To talk about it, first you have to understand what professional development is. These are all actions carried out by a person to improve his or her working situation or employability. Thus, career advice is one of the ways in which a student, worker or company can promote their professional development.

A process of career advice is characterised by the figure of the employment adviser or career adviser. It is a professional that offers from a diagnosis of the situation to technical, training assistance or accompaniment in processes of emotional management, labour decision-making and that gives you technical, updated, objective and truthful tools to execute everything.

In this way, any career advice process will have to rely on a qualified professional who will reach out and give you listening, evaluation and tools to achieve specific objectives.

You can also read: 5 best pieces of career advice you should take right now

What goals can it help me with?

There are many situations throughout your professional life that may require the help of a professional advisor. Some of the most common situations that can occur and the phrases that accompany them are:

1. Discovery

  • Career start: “I don’t know how or where to start”, “This is not how I was told”
  • Lack of knowledge of employment options: “How did you get that job?”

2. Momentum

  • Unemployment: “I look for employment of whatever”, I’ve been looking for work for months and nothing”
  • Re-entry into the market after a long-term inactivity: “I don’t even remember how to look for a job anymore”, “I never had to”
  • Help in building effective job search tools: “I don’t know how to make a good CV”, “I don’t know what a portfolio is”, “I don’t know if my CV is good”
  • Help in overcoming selection processes: “I have interviews, but I’m never the selected person, what am I doing wrong?”

3. Change

  • Career plateau: “I need a change”
  • Sector or country change: “I move, but I don’t know where to start or how to make my new resume”

4. Improvement

  • Help in finding effective employment: “I’ve sent out dozens of resumes, but they haven’t called yet, what am I doing wrong?
  • Undertake: “I’m tired of working for others”, “I want to be my own boss”
  • Continuous training: “I’ve been thinking about doing a master’s, but there are so many… What shall I study?
  • Improvement of personal branding: “I don’t know how to sell myself”, “I don’t know who I should contact”, “how should I post?”

5. Return

  • Mentoring: “I want to help other professionals”

We assume that some of these phrases have either been uttered at some point in your life or you’ve heard them from someone. The labour market is moving very fast and becoming much more complex. Requesting a professional opinion that will help you in a situation that exceeds your resources is always a good decision.

What can I learn?

employment advisor

The simplest answer is: technical assistance in achieving any of the above objectives. But if we talk in general terms, professional advice can bring you many cross-cutting competences and benefits.

For example, participating in a process of career advice will inevitably involve a process of labour market awareness, weaknesses in the labour market, strengths against the competition or about how you have managed your latest work decisions emotionally and behaviorally. In short, you will know yourself better and it will help you to answer questions like “why do I have to hire you?”

Now you know how career advice can help your career development? In conclusion, professional advice can give you a lot for very little, whatever your job situation or professional level is. We hope this information has been useful to you! 

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