The main objective of a resume is to make the company interested in the candidate. Your CV is a way to introduce yourself, that is why it must be attractive. Standing out among all the people who apply for the same position is essential in order to achieve an interview. If you’re wondering how to make your resume stand out, here are 9 tips made by personal branding experts.
1. Create a different design

The classic Microsoft Word document belongs to the past. Nowadays, pre-designed templates are the most commonly used tools to create a CV, in which you must only upload your data and add a photograph. These designs are more attractive, and therefore pleasing to the eye.
Workers with graphic design skills and who are able to design their own templates, may create designs specially adapted to their profession. But those who have basic computer skills can use online apps that allow the creation and editing of this type of content, such as Canva.
2. Make your resume accessible and clear
Clarity is an important characteristic of a good resume. Choose a clear and readable font, and make sure the contact details are current. Simplify everything you can, without forgetting to choose an accessible format, the most effective is PDF. In this way, nobody can manipulate it.
3. Avoid clichés
Recruiters seek tangible evidence of achievements, not a list of popular adjectives. It is not enough to ensure that you are a responsible worker with great team skills, you have to be able to prove it with solid evidence. This could be achieved by providing examples of situations in which they have been implemented.
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4. Provide strong evidence of your achievements
When you list your achievements, keep in mind that what really impresses recruiters are the data. Instead, you should illustrate the goals achieved with data and figures. For example, how much the company’s productivity increased with your activity or how many clients decided to invest in the company through your actions, what percentage of them were successfully completed, etc.
5. Organize the information

The information must be well organized. Therefore, you should create different sections, such as blocks, in which you mention all your skills or the specific programs you use and are useful for the position you are applying for. These small blocks will make it possible to visualize the information more clearly and at the same time will make your resume stand out.
6. Your CV should not be as long as your years of experience
This can be complicated if you have a lot of experience and are proud of your career, but you should only include information relevant to the position. If you are in your 20’s, you should probably just use one page.
Even if you have accumulated many years of experience, it is not advisable to use more than two pages. It is much better to prepare one single page that is powerful and attractive to the eye, instead of five or six.
7. Use bullets to highlight roles, responsibilities, or accomplishments
Below each job done, specify functions or achievements with no more than four or five bullets. Don’t use whole sentences, you must limit yourself to writing what is right and necessary. This space will allow the recruiter to have a fairly clear idea of the functions and tasks you have developed in each of your previous work experiences. Remember, include important information, do not detail all your functions.
8. Include short academic information
Include only academic information relevant to the position: name of the institution, the degree and the year of graduation. Experienced workers should include education at the end of their resume. If you’re a recent graduate, you may include your final degree projects or dissertation that show aspects relevant to the position to which you aspire.
Academic training is important, but some companies give it relative importance. It is your duty to know to what extent you should remark the most relevant aspects of your work experience or your training.
9. Do not include your hobbies
Recruiters only care what you can do for the company. So if you can’t connect your hobbies with the job you want to get, you better not include them in your CV. If you consider that your hobbies are related to the job, you can mention them at the end. Improve your CV by adding only relevant information to the company that may require your professional services.
Now you know 9 ways to make your CV stand out from the competition. If you follow these steps, you will have a better chance of being called for an interview. We hope this information has been helpful for you!
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