job interview

How to have a successful job interview?

Do you have a job interview? The moment the companies choose a candidate is very important, since it is the previous step to the employment relationship. If you are actively looking for a job and want to succeed in your next interview, here are 7 tips for a successful job interview suggested by personal branding experts.

1. Know your own resume

Your resume probably impressed them, but that doesn’t mean they won’t ask you about it and the achievements you’ve made. Most likely they will go to the bottom, so you should be prepared to answer all kinds of questions, even some that have their answer in the CV. 

For this reason you must review it point by point, with the help of the document, thinking about how you could extend the information you offer, what more data might be interesting or what might arouse the interviewer’s curiosity.

2. Search for information about the company

Before searching, carefully read the job offer ad. It will usually tell you something about the employer’s interests. The knowledge you have about the characteristics or business of your prospective employer, its size, products, services, or some recent news event, always impress the interviewer and give you confidence. Review articles about the company in newspapers and magazines.

3. Make a list of any questions you have

Write a list with all the questions you have about the job and the company. If during the interview you see the right time to do them, you can take out the paper and read them quietly. That will show that you’ve prepared and taken an interest.

Don’t ask about the salary, the work schedule, vacation or the type of contract. It is better that those topics are taken out by the interviewer. Think about the conditions in which you want to work and the economic rank you would like to charge in case you are asked. 

4. Think about what you will say about yourself

The question has a very clear objective and thought by the recruiter: know what you have to offer as an employee to the company. It’s normal to be nervous about a job interview, but think: they won’t ask you anything you don’t know.

Focus on talking about your professional life: how you work on a daily basis, in what areas you have experience and why you can be a valuable asset to an organization. Other questions are: What are your abilities and flaws? Do you prefer to work with people or do you prefer to work alone? If he or she asked your friends or family about you, how do you think they would define you? 

You can also read: The most common job interview questions you should know how to answer

5. Take care of body language

body language interview

Your body language can express more about your personality. Always take an upright posture. There is nothing worse than stooping, as it reflects laziness, indecisiveness, and lack of professionalism. 

Avoid all kinds of nervous movements with your hands or feet. Smile. Employers always prefer a cheerful and enthusiastic candidate over a seemingly hostile or stressed person. Try not to overdo it, though. False smiles and forced humor are not recommended either.

Remember, hands should be within sight of the interviewer. Use your arms to support and reinforce what you say, but watch out for exaggerated gestures. Be careful also with the movement of your feet and legs, sometimes it’s unconscious and can betray you.

6. Avoid badmouthing your previous job

Experts say it is a serious mistake to complain about how badly you were treated in your company and that’s why you want to change jobs. Focus on the new goals you seek to achieve and the challenges you expect in a new company. If you speak negatively about the company, boss or colleagues of your previous job, you’ll make a bad impression, even if you’re right. 

Talk about overcoming and growth, not dissatisfaction. It’s not a bad thing to mention that you feel stuck or that you don’t think you have more opportunities in your current company, but always highlighting that desire to move forward in your working life.

7. Sell your skills

Your experience, knowledge or simply your interest make you the right person for that position, always remember that. You have to convey that idea. Put insecurity aside and sell yourself mercilessly. 

This is the time to speak well of yourself, highlight your skills, qualities and experience. For example, “the experience I have gained in X area allows me to have the necessary skills to meet and exceed your job expectations”.

Now that you know how to prepare for a job interview, you’re closer to getting your dream job. In conclusion, prepare yourself well for the interview, learn about company policy and follow up on the selection process. We hope this information has been helpful!

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